Shareware Grab Bag
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Text File
4,357 lines
Release Version 2.12
Program Reference Manual
276 Guildwood Parkway
Toronto, Ont M1E 1P9
COPYRIGHT (C) 1986,1987 PTel
All Rights Reserved.
Telix v2.12 COPYRIGHT ii
Telix is Copyright (C) 1986,1987 by PTel and Colin Sampaleanu.
Telix is distributed under the User Supported software con-
cept. Non-registered users of Telix are granted a limited li-
cense to use Telix for a trial period, in order to determine
its suitability for their purposes. Any other use of Telix re-
quires registration. Any use of non-registered copies of Telix
by a business, organization, or any kind of institution is
Registering a copy of Telix allows a user to make as many
copies of Telix as he/she wishes, and use it on various ma-
chines, but the software must be treated like a book. This
means that the same registered copy of Telix may not be in use
on more than one machine at the same time.
All users are granted a license to copy Telix for the trial
use of others subject to the above restrictions, and also the
Telix must be copied in absolutely unmodified form, in-
cluding all program files and complete documentation.
Telix may not be included with any other product for any
reason whatsoever.
No licensee may accept or request a charge or other
payment for Telix.
Any distributor of User Supported or public domain software
wishing to distribute Telix MUST contact PTel for written per-
mission to do so and must follow the above restrictions. Per-
mission is usually granted unless there is a good reason
against it. All non-profit organizations or groups wishing to
distribute Telix are exempt from this restriction. In any case
no charge may be levied for a disk containing Telix except for
a disk handling charge of up to $8.
Telix v2.12 Contents iii
User Supported Software....................................v
Registration and Ordering Info............................vi
Corporate and Quantity Purchases........................viii
Program Description......................................1
The Telix Philosophy.....................................1
Machine Requirements.....................................1
Telix Files..............................................2
Start-Up Directory.......................................2
Getting Started............................................4
Starting a Telix Session.................................4
Terminal Mode............................................4
The Help/Status Screen.................................5
Communications Parameters................................6
Using Telix Menus........................................6
Entering and Editing Strings.............................7
Output String Translation................................7
The Telix Configuration Menu...............................9
Screen and Colour Settings...............................9
Modem and Dialing settings..............................10
Filenames and Path Settings.............................12
General Settings........................................13
Kermit Transfers........................................14
ASCII Transfers.........................................14
Host Mode Settings......................................15
Saving Changes and Leaving..............................16
Telix v2.12 Contents iv
C O N T E N T S (cont.)
Program Features..........................................17
Session Logging.........................................17
Chat Mode...............................................17
Keyboard Macros.........................................18
DOS Shell...............................................18
DOS Command.............................................19
DOS and File Functions..................................19
Screen Image............................................20
Clear Screen............................................21
ANSI Graphics...........................................21
Local Echo..............................................21
Add Line Feeds..........................................22
Break Signal............................................22
The Dialing Directory.....................................23
Editing an Entry........................................23
Clearing Entries........................................24
Inserting Entries.......................................24
Deleting Entries........................................24
Revising Long Distance Codes............................24
Finding an Entry........................................24
Directory Options.......................................25
Automatic Redial........................................26
The Quick Dial Window...................................26
File Transfers............................................28
Downloading Files.......................................28
Uploading Files.........................................29
File Transfer Protocols.................................29
Using Script Files........................................31
Host Mode.................................................32
Appendix A - Telix Command Summary........................36
Appendix B - TELIX.CNF, the Configuration File............37
Appendix C - Writing Script Files.........................43
Appendix D - Common Problems and Their Solutions..........51
Appendix E - TELIX.FON File Format........................54
Appendix F - Product Support..............................55
Telix v2.12 User Supported Software v
User Supported Software
User Supported software is a way of delivering quality
software to the user at a reasonable cost, while allowing the
user to make sure the software meets his/her needs. This con-
cept is based on several ideals:
There should be a way of delivering low-cost, high-
quality software to the consumer.
The user must be able to try out the software before
he/she pays for it. There is no reason users should have
to buy software that does not meet their requirements or
does not live up to their expectations.
Copying of programs should be encouraged, not
discouraged. This is the strength of User Supported soft-
ware, and allows it to spread far more readily than soft-
ware distributed by regular means.
Under the User Supported software concept, anyone may re-
quest a copy of a User Supported program by sending a blank
diskette and a self addressed, postage paid mailer to the
manufacture of the program. A copy of the program will be sent
to the user, including documentation on disk. Included with
the program will be a notice asking for registration if the
software meets the needs of the user. If you are going to use
the software, you should register, as it is the only way of
supporting the author's work.
User Supported software is often misunderstood. It is al-
most never Public Domain software, since it carries a copy-
right notice. It is also not free software. The user is simply
given a license to try the program for a period of time. The
author hopes that by cutting out the overhead which makes an
expensive package so expensive, the same program can be sold
for a much lower price.
Please think about it. If you regularly use Telix or an-
other User Supported program, and have not registered with the
author, please do so now. Without the support of the users,
there is absolutely no incentive for the author of the program
to continue selling it using this method. As an experiment,
User Supported software seems to be failing. The sad and
shocking truth is that at most only about 1% of the users of a
product of this type are registering. Please, show that you
care about User Supported software, and tell us that it can
Telix v2.12 Registration and Ordering Info vi
Registration and Ordering Info
Telix is not in any way free software. If you have tried
Telix and have decided that it suits your purposes and wish to
continue using it, please register. If you continue to use
Telix without registering, besides being dishonest, you are
endangering the chances that quality software will continue to
be marketed in this low-cost way, and are ultimately hurting
yourself. Telix is a great product and is constantly getting
better, but we do need your support to continue improving it.
Registered users of Telix will receive mailers and no-
tices of major new versions of Telix as well as any new prod-
ucts written by PTel. As well, registered users receive pref-
erential treatment when obtaining support.
Telix registration costs $25 US/$34 Canadian. This as-
sumes that you already have Telix from another source, PTel
provides no disk. This registration fee allows you to use the
program. For $35 US/$48 Canadian, you may buy a Registra-
tion/Disk combo, which includes the current version of Telix
on disk, as well as registration.
A Telix evaluation disk with the current version of Telix
on it is also available for $10 US/$13 Canadian. This does not
include registration, and should be used only to try out
Telix. The fee covers the cost of postage, diskette, and
handling. You may also send a formatted disk and a self-ad-
dressed postage paid disk mailer to receive a copy.
To place an order, please use the order form on the fol-
lowing page.
CORPORATIONS and INSTITUTIONS: Please see the section entitled
'Corporate and Quantity Purchases' for information on using
multiple copies of Telix. Under no circumstances may an unreg-
istered copy of Telix be used within an institution.
Telix v2.12 Order Form vii
Telix version 2.12 Invoice #022487-212
Remit to: PTel, 276 Guildwood Parkway, Toronto, Ont. M1E 1P9
Quan Item US/Cnd Price
___ Telix Registration..................$25/$34 ea $________
(does not include disk)
___ Telix Disk (current version) .......$10/$13 ea $________
(includes program and manual
on disk, but not registration)
___ Telix Registration/Disk Combo.......$35/$48 ea $________
(includes program and manual
on disk, plus registration)
Subtotal $________
- Discount $(______)
Ontario residents please add 7% PST. Tax $________
Total $________
Checks or money orders accepted!
Phone____________________ Bus.______________________
Where did you obtain Telix?
Telix v2.12 Corporate and Quantity Purchases viii
Corporate and Quantity Purchases
Any commercial (ie. business, corporate, government, or
other institutional) use of Telix must be registered. PTel of-
fers volume discounts and site licensing.
The order form on the preceding page may be used to buy
multiple copies of the Registration/Disk combo. Duplication of
multiple copies of Telix is not allowed without a site licens-
ing agreement. This agreement will allow duplication and dis-
tribution of a specific number of copies within the licensed
institution or organization. Please write or call for details.
The quantity purchase discounts are as follows:
1 - 10 copies no discount
11 - 20 copies 10% discount
21 - 50 copies 15% discount
51 - 100 copies 20% discount
101 - 200 copies 30% discount
200+ copies 40% discount
All prices and discounts are subject to change without notice.
Discounts apply only to single orders of like products, they
are not cumulative.
Telix v2.12 Introduction 1
Program Description
Telix is a general purpose communications program for the
PC/MS-DOS family of computers that should be able to meet the
needs of almost anyone. Telix features include:
- powerful multiple dialing directories, each capable of
holding 150 entries. An entry contains a remote sys-
tem's name, phone number, and other info.
- a host of file transfer protocols including Xmodem,
Kermit, SEAlink, Telink, Modem7, Ymodem, Ymodem Batch,
and ASCII.
- extensive script files to control log-ons and unat-
tended operation.
- automatic queue redialing for hard-to-reach numbers.
- full access to DOS including a DOS shell, a DOS Command
option, and full path support.
- A Host Mode with file transfers, operator paging, a Re-
mote DOS shell, and two access levels.
- A Chat Mode, keyboard macros, a scroll-back buffer,
session logs, and a variety of other features, detailed
in this manual. Above all however, Telix is FAST.
The Telix Philosophy
When Telix was written, a basic idea was kept in mind. It
was felt that a powerful program could be simple to operate,
with no loss of speed in order to achieve this ease of use.
Machine Requirements
Telix will run on an IBM PC, XT, AT, or true compatible
with at least 128k of free memory. This is memory available
after DOS has been loaded. For a few functions, such as the
DOS Shell, more memory is helpful. Telix will support Com port
Telix v2.12 Introduction 2
1 or 2, any number of disk drives, and a printer connected to
the parallel port.
To get full use of Telix your modem must meet certain
standards as well, especially for Host Mode. The Carrier De-
tect signal should not be forced high (on) by the modem, so
that Telix can tell when you are online. This is usually con-
trolled by the setting of a dip switch on the modem. The DTR
(Data Terminal Ready) signal should not be ignored by the
Telix Files
Telix comes with a number of files and creates more in
its normal operation. They include:
TELIX.EXE - the main program
TELIX.OVL - the overlay file
TELIX.DOC - the program reference manual
CONVERTF.EXE - converts phone directories to
Telix format
TELIX.FON - the phone directory file
TELIX.LD - the long distance codes file
TELIX.LOG - the default session log file
TELIX.KEY - the default keyboard macro
definition file
TELIX.HST - the Host Mode audit file
A file called TELIX.MSG may also be created by the user for
use with Host Mode.
Telix at one time or another can have a number of files
open, especially during Host Mode and a few other instances.
If Telix tells you it is having problems opening files then it
is possible that including the line:
in your config.sys file could clear up the problem. This al-
lows DOS to open more files (the default is 'files=8'). For
more information on the config.sys file see your DOS manual.
Start-Up Directory
When you run Telix it will remember the disk directory
you ran it from. After this point, even if you have changed
the current directory with the 'Change directory' command,
Telix will know that it should look for its program files on
the start-up directory. Some files will also be written on
this directory unless you specify another.
Telix v2.12 Introduction 3
If you set the environment variable 'TELIX', Telix will
have another (even better) way of knowing where to look for
its files. The command form at the DOS prompt is:
set TELIX=pathname
where pathname is a the legal DOS pathname of the directory in
which the Telix files are located. Do not leave any space be-
tween the '=' and the arguments. For example, if you used 'set
TELIX=C:\TELIX\', Telix would know to look for its files in
the Telix directory on drive C. This way, no matter where you
run it from, Telix will always be able to find its files. To
reset this environment variable to nothing the command is:
set TELIX=
For more information on environment variables see your
PC/MS-DOS manual.
Telix v2.12 Getting Started 4
Getting Started
Starting a Telix Session
To start the Telix program type the following while at
the DOS prompt:
Telix [O] [Q] [B] [Sfilename]
The letters in the square brackets are optional command
line switches affecting what Telix will do upon startup. The
square brackets should not be entered. The order and case of
the options does not matter but they MUST be separated by at
least one blank.
Specifying the 'O' option upon startup tells Telix that
you are already online (connected to a host systems), and that
it should not try to initialize the modem.
The 'Q' option in the command line chooses quiet mode for
the current session. When quiet mode is on Telix will not
sound any alarms (e.g., when a file transfer is over), no
matter what the default setting for alarms is. This is useful
for those late night sessions. Any bell characters sent by the
remote system are still sounded however.
Specifying 'B' in the command line forces Telix to use
the PC's BIOS for all screen write operations, whatever the
default setting for screen writes might be. This is useful
when you want to run Telix in a multitasking environment such
as Desqview, Topview, or MS Windows for just one session.
The 'S' option indicates that a script file (explained
elsewhere) is to be run immediately upon startup. The 'S'
should be followed immediately (no blanks) by the name of the
script file to execute.
Upon starting, Telix will display a title screen for a
period of 25 seconds or until you press a key. Please read the
message on the title screen carefully. After you are past the
title screen, you will be in terminal mode unless Telix can't
find the configuration file TELIX.CNF, in which case it will
ask you a few questions about your machine and modem, and then
will write a configuration file for you.
Terminal Mode
Immediately after starting Telix, and for most of the
time while using it, you will be in Telix's terminal mode.
While in this mode any normal (ASCII) characters you type will
Telix v2.12 Getting Started 5
be sent to the modem port, and any incoming characters will be
printed on the screen. It is from the terminal mode that most
Telix commands are initiated. Most commands are selected by
pressing one or two special keys. For example, to access the
dialing directory, you would press Alt-D. That is, while
holding down the Alt key, you press the D key. Other commands
need only one keypress, such as the PgDn key to download
(receive) files.
The Help/Status Screen
While in terminal mode, pressing the Home key will
switch you to a help screen showing you a summary of all the
available commands. If the key for a command is pressed
while the help screen is still on, the screen will be turned
off and the command will be executed.
On the right side of the help/status screen is some in-
formation regarding the status of the current connection and
+-------| Status |--------+
| |
| Time Date |
| 11:54:28 01-29-87 |
| |
| Connect status: Offline |
| Elapsed time: 00:05:34 |
| |
| Baud : 1200 Data: 8 |
| Parity: None Stop: 1 |
| Port : Com1 |
| |
| Local echo: Off |
| Add LF's : Off |
| |
| Log: Telix.log |
| Printer: Off |
| |
| Script: None |
| Phone : Telix.fon |
| Macro : Telix.key |
| |
Items included are: the current time and date, the connect
status, the elapsed time for the call in progress, the
current communications parameters, the state of the session
log(s), the currently executing script file (if there is
one), the current dialing directory, the current keyboard
macro definition file, and a few other items.
Telix v2.12 Getting Started 6
Communications Parameters
Pressing Alt-P allows you to change the Communications
Parameters. This is the format in which Telix sends data over
the modem, and expects to receive it in. After pressing Alt-P
a window is displayed with the current parameters at the top,
and the options in the rest of the window. To change a value
press the letter of the setting you want.
+-| Change com parameters |---------+
| |
| Current: 1200,8,N,1,Echo Off,Com1 |
| |
| BAUD Parity |
| A: 300 G:None H:Odd I:Even |
| B: 1200 |
| C: 2400 J:Toggle Data (7/8) |
| D: 4800 K:Toggle Stop |
| E: 9600 L:Toggle Echo (On/Off) |
| F:19200 M:Toggle com port (1/2) |
| |
| Choice (CR = none) : |
There are a number of parameters that can be changed. The
baud rate is the speed that you want to communicate at. 1200
baud and 2400 baud are the two most common speeds in use, and
represent about 120 and 240 characters per second, respec-
tively. Data bits refers to the number of bits in each char-
acter. Allowable values are 7 and 8. Parity is a form of error
checking. Allowable parities are None, Even, and Odd. Finally,
the number of stop bits parameter can be set to either 1 or 2.
The most common format for BBS use is a baud rate of 1200 or
2400, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. On many large
networks such as GEnie, the data format used is E71.
The communications parameters menu also allows you to se-
lect the communications port you want to use, and whether or
not characters should be echoed locally when you type.
Changing any parameters changes them only for the dura-
tion of the current communications session. If you want a set
of parameters to be the default when you start Telix, use the
Telix Configuration Menu.
Using Telix Menus
Whenever Telix must ask you to select an item from a
group of options, it uses the same basic type of menu. The op-
tions will be arranged vertically for a vertically oriented
menu, and next to each other for a horizontally oriented menu.
There are two ways to select the item that you want. Each menu
option has one of its letters in bold text; pressing that
letter will select the corresponding option. As well, one
Telix v2.12 Getting Started 7
option in the menu is always highlighted in inverse video. The
arrow keys on the PC's keypad will move the highlight up and
down or left and right. When the highlight is over the option
you want to select, press Carriage Return.
Entering and Editing Strings
While using Telix, you will often have to enter a string
of characters, for example a filename, or a list of numbers to
dial. Telix gives you full editing powers when you enter a
string. As you type characters, you may use the Backspace key
to delete previously entered characters. The Left and Right
arrow keys allow you to move back and forth in the string to
edit what you have entered. By default, any characters you en-
ter overwrite any that are already there. Pressing the Ins key
will place Telix in insert mode, and any existing characters
are pushed ahead as you type. Pressing Ins once more places
you back in overwrite mode. Finally, pressing the Ctrl-Left
and Ctrl-Right arrow keys allows you to move back and forth in
the string by increments of a word.
Output String Translation
In quite a few instances while using Telix, the user must
specify a string to be sent out over the modem port. Sometimes
this string must contain characters which can not be printed
on the screen, for example, control characters, and even
pauses. There has to be a way of indicating these special
characters, and it is done through the use of special charac-
ters called translation characters. When these translation
characters are encountered in an output string they are trans-
lated into other characters. The default translation charac-
ters are:
| - when this is encountered in an output string a
carriage return is sent out to the modem port in-
stead. To really send the | character just use two
of them, e.g., || would send one | character.
^ - when this character is encountered in an output
string it will make the following character a con-
trol character. e.g., ^A will send out the code for
Control-A. To send out the ^ character itself, use
two ^'s, as explained above.
~ - when this character is encountered it will make
Telix pause for 1/2 a second. There is no way to
send the actual ~ character out. Two in a row will
be converted to two pauses.
These are the defaults, they can be changed to other
characters in the Telix Configuration Menu. There are a few
things to keep in mind. These characters are only translated
Telix v2.12 Getting Started 8
on strings sent out to the modem, for example, the dialing
prefix, the hang-up string, a keyboard macro, the modem ini-
tialization string, and a few other cases. To send out two
carriage returns you can not use two | characters in a row, as
that would just send out the | character itself. You must use
another method, such as the sequence ^M^M, since Control-M is
the same as a carriage return. To send out the code for
Escape, use ^[.
Ending a Telix Session
To exit the Telix program, press Alt-X. Telix will ask
you if you really want to exit. Press 'Y' to confirm the exit,
'N' or Esc to return to Telix.
When Telix ends a session and returns to DOS, it checks
the state of the connection. If Telix sees that you are con-
nected to a host system, it will not drop (turn off) a special
signal on the RS-232 port, called the DTR line. This will
allow you to stay connected. If Telix sees that you aren't
connected, it will drop this signal.
Telix v2.12 Telix Configuration Menu 9
The Telix Configuration Menu
Telix has many customizable features. These include
things like the screen setup, the communications parameters,
and many other items. The default values for these parameters
are stored in a file called TELIX.CNF, the configuration file.
Telix will automatically read this file upon starting up. The
first time you use Telix, this file is created for you with
some standard default values. Pressing Alt-O while in terminal
mode brings up the Telix Configuration Menu, which allows you
to change all these default settings.
+-| Configure Telix |------------+
| |
| Change which default settings? |
| |
| Screen and colour |
| Modem and dialing |
| Filenames and paths |
| General settings |
| Kermit transfers |
| ASCII transfers |
| Host Mode settings |
| Write changes to disk |
| Exit |
| |
The first seven options are parameter areas, the last two
deal with leaving the Configuration Menu.
Screen and Colour Settings
The fist item of the Configuration Menu allows you to
set the screen and colour default settings. After picking
this option you will be shown a menu listing the various
parts of the screen displays (e.g., menu foreground colour).
If you pick one of these items you will be allowed to scroll
through the possible colours for it by using the arrow keys.
When you have selected the right colour, press Return. If
you want to leave the colours menu without selecting one
press Esc.
Another setting on the 'Screen and colour' menu is the
'Screen write mode'. If you pick this option you will be
asked in which way you want Telix to write to the screen.
This depends on the video adapter present in your system.
The first option is a direct screen write. This is the
fastest mode, and should be used if you have a monochrome
adapter, an EGA adapter, or another video adapter that never
Telix v2.12 Telix Configuration Menu 10
gets snow. The second option is a direct screen write with
port checks. This method is slightly slower. You should use
this method if you screen gets snow on it or it flickers
while executing the DOS 'dir' command. One card with which
you should use this is the color/graphics adapter. The final
method is a screen write with BIOS calls. You should use
this method with applications like Topview, Desqview, or
Finally, one last option in this menu is the Help
screen mode'. The help screen is usually put on text page 2
so that it can be displayed instantly. This is not possible
with monochrome adapters, so Telix stores the help screen
somewhere else if a mono adapter is present. However, even
with a color/graphics or EGA adapter, using page 2 might be
a problem if you want to use Topview,MS Windows, DesqView,
or a similar operating environment . The help screen mode
option allows you to control the use of page 2. To stop
Telix from ever using page 2, select the first option. To
let Telix decide whether or not to use page 2, select the
second. And to make Telix always use page 2 for the help
screen, select the third.
When you have finished picking the colours, select the
'Keep colours and exit' option if you want to keep the
colour changes you have made, or the 'exit' option if you
want to discard them.
Modem and Dialing settings
Selecting the second option of the Configuration Menu
shows a screenfull of default settings that Telix uses to
control the modem and its output. To select a default value
to change type its number and press Return. You will then be
allowed to change it, using the string editing commands de-
scribed previously. Illegal values will be ignored. The de-
fault configuration that Telix comes with is set up for
Hayes compatible modems. These modems use the 'AT' command
set. By changing these settings Telix can work with almost
any modem. The parameters are:
1: The default communications parameters. These include
baud, data bits, parity, and stop bits.
2: The default communications port. This can be either
Com1 or Com2.
3: Modem initialization string. This string will be sent
to the modem when Telix first starts. Different modems
might need different strings. The default string is set
up for Hayes compatible modems. It is:
'ATZ|~~AT S11=55 S7=45 S0=0 V1 X1|' where:
AT is the modem attention code.
Z resets the modem to default state
Telix v2.12 Telix Configuration Menu 11
| sends the terminating Return char to the
~~ pauses to give the modem time
AT is the modem attention code.
S11=55 is the dialing speed (touch tone,
S7=45 makes the modem wait 45 seconds for
a connection.
S0=0 turns off auto answer.
V1 makes the modem respond with words.
X1 makes the modem give extended
results codes.
| sends the terminating Return char to
the modem.
4: Dialing prefix. This is the string Telix should send
before the number when attempting to dial. e.g., 'ATDT'
for Hayes compatible modems.
5: Dialing postfix. This is the string Telix should send
after the number when dialing. On Hayes compatible
modems this is just a Carriage Return, '|'.
6: Connect string. This is the string which the modem
sends upon getting a connection. e.g., 'CONNECT'
7: Busy strings. These are up to four strings which the
modem sends when it has failed to connect. e.g., 'NO
CARRIER', 'BUSY', etc.
8: Hang-up string. This is the string Telix should send to
the modem to make it hang up. The default string works
for Hayes compatible modems and is:
'~~~+++~~~ATH0|' where
~~~ pauses Telix for 1 1/2 secs.
+++ escapes the modem into command mode.
~~~ pauses Telix for 1 1/2 secs.
AT is the modem attention code.
H0 tells the modem to hang up.
| sends the terminating Return char to the
Before sending this string to the modem Telix always
tries to hang-up the modem by a faster way that works
with MOST modems. This is done by dropping (turning
off) a special signal called the DTR (Data Terminal
Ready) line on the RS-232 port. If dropping the DTR
makes the modem hang-up then the hang-up string is not
sent to the modem.
Telix v2.12 Telix Configuration Menu 12
9: Dial cancel string. This is the string Telix should
send to the modem to cancel the current dialing at-
tempt. On most modems all that is necessary is a Return
character, '|'.
10: Dial time. This is the amount of time Telix should wait
for a connection while dialing. This should usually be
set to be greater than the amount of time the modem
waits for the connection.
11: Redial pause. This is the number of seconds Telix
should wait between attempts while redialing.
12: Local echo. This controls whether or not Telix should
echo on the screen any characters you type while in
Terminal mode. This should usually be off for bbs use.
13: XON/XOFF handshaking. This controls whether or not
Telix should use the XON/XOFF handshaking protocol
while in terminal mode and during ASCII file transfers.
14: Add line feeds. This controls whether or not Telix
should add line feeds to incoming Carriage Returns
characters while in terminal mode. If you are connected
to a remote system and lines are overwriting each
other, this should be on, otherwise it should be off.
15: Carrier Detect mask. To know whether it is connected to
a remote system or not, Telix looks at the carrier
detect signal on the RS-232 port. This CD mask tells it
on which pin to look. The number should be one of 128,
16, or 32. The default value is 128. This is by far the
most common value and will apply to almost all (99.9%)
computers. The two other values might possibly work
better on MS-DOS machines which are not very 'IBM
Compatible'. If you have that type of system, and the
hang-up command tells you that the hang-up failed when
it in fact has not, or if the Connect status on the
Help/Status screen is wrong, then you should try the
two other values.
Filenames and Path Settings
The third option of the Configuration Menu allows you
to change several filename and pathname defaults. They are:
1: Download directory. This is the disk directory in which
Telix should save files which are downloaded. The user
can override this by giving a full pathname when
2: Upload directory. This is the disk directory where
Telix should look for files to be uploaded. The user
Telix v2.12 Telix Configuration Menu 13
can override this by giving a full filename when
3: Script directory. This is the directory in which Telix
should look for script files when trying to execute
them. The user can override this by using a full
pathname in front of the filename when specifying it.
4: Default log file. This is the name of the default log
file Telix should use when saving a session log. The
user can override this.
5: Directory program. This is the name of the disk di-
rectory program the Telix should run when you select
the 'Files directory' command. If you do not specify a
program here Telix will use an internal routine that
also displays the amount of time it will take to trans-
fer each file in the directory. An example of a program
you could specify here is 'dir/p', which would use the
DOS dir command with pauses at each page full, to dis-
play the directory.
6: Screen Image file. This is the file that Telix should
save screen images (generated with the Alt-I command)
to. the default name is TELIX.MSG.
7: Editor name. This should be the full pathname of your
editor, including the extension of the name (EXE or
COM). You need to set this parameter only if you want
to run your editor using the Run Editor command. e.g.,
General Settings
The fourth option of the Configuration Menu allows you
to change some general default settings. They are:
1: ANSI graphics status. If this is on, ANSI graphics will
be on and recognized when you first run Telix.
2: Sound. If this is off Telix will not make ANY sounds.
3: Alarm sound. If this is off Telix will not make ANY
alarm sounds, but will still beep when it receives the
bell code from the remote host, unless the sound option
is also off.
4: Keep aborted downloads. If this is on, Telix will keep
files which were aborted during a download. Otherwise
Telix will delete these files.
5: Default file transfer protocol. This is the protocol
Telix should have the menu bar on upon starting. As
soon as any other protocol is selected while using
Telix, that will become the default.
Telix v2.12 Telix Configuration Menu 14
6: Show free space for downloads. This setting controls
whether or not Telix will display the free space on the
disk when you start a download. The option to turn it
off is provided because the free space display takes a
few seconds for large hard disks.
7: Use of Quick Dial window. When you press Alt-D to
access the dialing directory, Telix normally displays
the Quick Dial window first, which lets you dial
entries without having to view the dialing directory.
If you would rather go directly to the dialing
directory when you press Alt-D, set this option to Off.
8: Pause character. This is the character which when
encountered in an output string makes Telix pause for
1/2 second.
9: Carriage Return character. This is the character which
when encountered in an output string makes Telix send
the code for Carriage Return.
10: Control code character. This is the character which
when encountered in an output string makes Telix inter-
pret the next character as a control character.
Kermit Transfers
The fifth option of the Configuration Menu allows you
to configure Telix's implementation of the Kermit protocol
to your needs. The options will not be described here, due
to the fact that the Kermit protocol is relatively compli-
cated, and if you must change one of these parameters, you
should already know what it means.
ASCII Transfers
The sixth option of the Configuration Menu allows you
to customize Telix ASCII file transfers to your needs, so
that Telix may work with almost any system. The options are:
1: Local echo. If this is on, Telix will echo characters
locally while uploading. This should normally be off.
2: Expand blank lines. If this is on, when Telix is
sending a file and it encounters a blank line, it will
add a space to that line. This is very useful for
systems that assume a blank line means "end of file",
or for uploading a message on most bulletin boards.
3: Pace character. This is the ASCII value of the char-
acter that Telix should wait for before sending each
line. If this value is 0, Telix will not wait for any
Telix v2.12 Telix Configuration Menu 15
4: Line Pacing. This is the amount of time (in 1/10 sec-
onds), that Telix should wait before sending each line.
This delay is often not necessary, but for some bbs's
for example, it's vital.
5: Upload CR translation. This is what Telix should do
with Carriage Return chars when uploading ASCII files.
The three options are to do nothing, to strip them, or
to add a Line Feed character afterwards.
6: Upload LF translation. This is what Telix should do
with Line Feed characters when uploading ASCII files.
The three options are to do nothing, to strip them, or
to add a Carriage Return before each.
7: Download CR translation. This is exactly the same as
setting 5 (above), but applies when downloading ASCII
8: Download LF translation. This is exactly the same as
setting 6 (above), but applies when downloading ASCII
Host Mode Settings
The seventh option of the Configuration Menu deals with
configuring Telix's Host Mode. The Host Mode is explained
fully elsewhere in this manual. The settings are:
1: Host Mode init string. This is the string that Telix
should send to the modem upon entering Host Mode. This
string should allow the modem to automatically pick up
the phone when it rings, and initialize it in any other
ways that might be necessary.
2: Host welcome string. This is the message that callers
are immediately greeted with.
3: Level One access password. This is the password that
callers must successfully enter to be admitted to the
Host Mode and have Level One access.
4: Level two access password. This is the password that
callers must successfully enter to be admitted to the
Host Mode and have Level Two access.
5: DOS shell password. This is the password that users of
the Host Mode have to enter to use the Remote DOS Shell
6: Shut down Host Mode password. This is the password that
callers must enter to shut down the Host Mode, when
they press Ctrl-Z.
Telix v2.12 Telix Configuration Menu 16
7: Connection type. This can be either 'Modem' or
'Direct'. Use 'Modem' if your host system is being ac-
cessed through a modem, or 'Direct' if two computers
are hard-wired. This stops Telix from trying to ini-
tialize a non-existent modem. or trying to determine
the caller's baud.
8: Case checking. If this option is on the case of pass-
words are checked, otherwise it doesn't matter if
passwords are lowercase or uppercase.
Saving Changes and Leaving
Once you have picked your default options you can save
them to the configuration file by selecting the option
'Write setup to disk'. If you want to keep any changes just
for the current session, then exit the Configuration Menu
using the option 'Exit'.
Telix v2.12 Program Features 17
Program Features
Pressing Alt-H will make Telix attempt to hang-up the
modem. Telix first attempts to hang up the modem by turning
off a signal on the RS-232 port called the DTR line. This
works with most modems. If this doesn't work, Telix then sends
the hang-up string defined in the Configuration Menu to the
modem. If this still doesn't work and Telix detects that you
are still online, Telix will warn you.
Session Logging
Telix allows you to keep a full record of all activity
over the modem, to either a log file or to the printer. The
log records every character that comes in, except for those
that are erased by backspaces (up to the beginning of a line).
To turn the printer log on and off use the Ctrl-PrtSc key
combination. Pressing these keys while the printer log is off
will turn it on. Pressing them while the printer log is on
will turn it off. If the printer is not ready to receive
characters, Telix will tell you.
To start a session log to a disk file press Alt-L. You
will be prompted for the filename to save the log to. Press
Return to use the default filename. All data is added to the
end of the file if it exists already. To turn off the log
press Alt-L again. Pressing Ctrl-@ will temporarily put the
log on hold until you press Ctrl-@ again or turn off the log.
While the log is on hold any characters received are not saved
to the file.
Chat Mode
Normally while using Telix with a remote host, your char-
acters are not echoed by Telix. When you type a character, it
is sent to the remote host, which checks it and then sends it
back to you, and only then is it printed on your screen. How-
ever if two users want to chat with each other this becomes a
problem, because each user's software expects the other side
to echo the characters back, and since it doesn't, nothing is
printed. Telix has a special Chat Mode to deal with this.
When you press Alt-Y Telix enters Chat Mode. Any char-
acters you type are printed on your screen immediately,
Telix v2.12 Program Features 18
without having to be echoed by the other side. As well, it
takes only a Carriage Return to advance to a new line, a Line
Feed character is not needed immediately afterwards. Telix
also splits the streams of text. Any characters you type are
displayed on the bottom half of the screen, while the char-
acters coming from the remote side are displayed on the top
half of the screen. When you wish to exit Chat Mode, press the
Esc key.
Keyboard Macros
Keyboard macros are special key definitions that can make
often repeated actions like typing your name a lot easier. Any
of the function keys, as well as their Shifted, Control, and
Alt versions can be set up to send a string to the remote
system when pressed. An example of a function key use would be
to assign the string 'John Doe' to the function key F1.
Thereafter, whenever you pressed F1, the string 'John Doe'
would be sent out over the modem port.
To change the current function key definitions, press
Alt-M. A window will be displayed asking you which set of keys
to change or which macro file to load. To load a new keyboard
macro file select that option and supply the name of the macro
file. If no extension is given, 'key' is assumed. The default
keyboard macro file is TELIX.KEY, and it is loaded
automatically at startup if it exists.
To change a function key definition, first select the
group of keys it is in (Regular, Shifted, Control, and Alt),
then select the individual key, F1 through F10. When prompted,
edit the definition. Control characters, pauses, and Returns
can be included in the definition in the manner described pre-
viously in the manual under Output String Translation. If you
have made any changes, you will be prompted if you want to
save them to disk when you leave the Change Keyboard Macro
Telix also allows you to run a script file when a certain
function key is pressed. If a function key definition has an
'@' character as its first character Telix will assume the
rest of the definition is the name of a script file, and will
try to execute it. For example pressing the function key whose
definition is '@logon' would run the script file called
'logon.scr'. If you really want to send out an '@' character
as the first character in the key definition, then use two of
them instead. e.g., the definition '@@Hello' would send out
DOS Shell
Pressing Alt-J will let you jump to a DOS shell. You will
see the DOS prompt and will be able execute any DOS command,
for example 'dir'. If there is enough memory left, you can
Telix v2.12 Program Features 19
even run programs. To exit the DOS shell type 'exit' and press
Return. You will be back in Telix with the screen undisturbed
from before your jump to the shell. In order to run the DOS
shell, there must be enough memory left, and Telix must be
able to find the file called COMMAND.COM. If either of these
requirements is not met, Telix will tell you so. (The file
COMMAND.COM is the DOS command interpreter. It is usually
pointed to by the DOS environment variable COMSPEC. See your
DOS manual for more information). If you run a serial port
related program in the shell, there is a good chance that it
will re-initialize the com port and another piece of
information called the com interrupt vector. If this happens,
Telix will ntice and re-initialize the port to the old values
when you return from the shell.
DOS Command
Pressing Alt-V allows you to enter one DOS command or
filename to run. This command is then executed and control is
returned to Telix. As can be seen this is similar to the DOS
shell, but is useful when you have only one command to enter.
There are many uses for this command. For example, if your
file viewing utility is called 'List', you could press Alt-V
and then enter 'List Telix.doc'. This would load your file
view utility and let you look at the TELIX.DOC file. After you
terminated this program you would be back in Telix. Any DOS
command is legal, for example 'copy a:*.arc c:', or 'ren data
dat1'. If for some reason you might want Telix to pause after
the command is finished, add a ';' character to the end of the
command string, for example 'type TELIX.DOC;'. This stops the
last screenfull typed from scrolling by too quickly when con-
trol returns to Telix.
Pressing Alt-A will allow you to run your favorite editor
from within Telix. In order to do this you must go to the
Configuration Menu and supply the full name and path of your
editor in the 'General settings' area. As well, there must be
enough memory left in the computer, and Telix must be able to
find the DOS command processor COMMAND.COM.
DOS and File Functions
Pressing Alt-F will display a menu of some common DOS
operations. For convenience, a few commands available else-
where have been included.
Telix v2.12 Program Features 20
+-| DOS Functions |------+
| |
| Jump to DOS shell |
| Files directory |
| Change drive/directory |
| Delete file |
| DOS command |
| Run editor |
| Exit |
| |
1: Jump to DOS Shell. This performs the same function as the
Alt-J command.
2: Files directory. Telix will prompt you for the optional
filespec, for example '*.doc'. If you want to list all
the files in the current directory then just press Re-
turn. Telix will then do one of two things. If you have
defined a directory program to use (in the Configuration
Menu), Telix will run it. Otherwise Telix will use its
own internal directory program, which is similar to the
DOS 'dir' command but also displays the time it would
take to transfer each file shown. The time is correct for
the current default upload file transfer protocol.
3: Change drive/directory. The current directory is dis-
played and you are asked to enter a new one. You can en-
ter a new drive, a new directory, or both. This will be-
come the current directory. Note that this is slightly
different from the DOS 'chdir' command.
4: Delete file. You are asked to enter the filename of the
file to delete.
5: DOS command. This performs the same function as the Alt-V
6: Run editor. This performs the same function as the Alt-A
Screen Image
Pressing Alt-I saves an image of the screen to the Telix
Screen Image file. This file is usually called TELIX.IMG, but
can be renamed in the Configuration Menu. If the file exists,
the image is added to the end of it.
Telix v2.12 Program Features 21
To review the past several screens of characters press
Alt-B. You will be in the Scroll-Back display. You will be
able to move through the last six thousand characters received
by using the arrow keys to scroll line by line, the Home and
End keys to go to the beginning and end of the buffer, and the
PgUp and PgDn keys to scroll through the buffer a page at a
To find a certain string in the buffer press 'F'. Telix
will prompt for the string to search for. If the string is
found the line containing it will be placed at the top of the
screen. To search for the same string as last time press Re-
turn when asked for the search string.
To save the screen image to a file press 'I'. Telix will
prompt you for the file to save the image to. If the file al-
ready exists, the screen image will be appended to it. To
print out a screen image to your printer press Shift-PrtSc.
Clear Screen
To clear the screen press Alt-C. The screen will be
cleared to the default colours, and the cursor will be placed
in the upper left-hand corner.
ANSI Graphics
ANSI graphics are special codes sent by remote systems to
control your screen. They can be used to display colourful
text pictures as well as for controlling the cursor.
Telix has built-in support of ANSI graphics, there is NO
need to run the DOS device driver called ANSI.SYS. Pressing
Alt-G will toggle Telix's recognition of ANSI graphics codes
on and off. If ANSI graphics codes are received by Telix and
you have the option turned off then these characters will look
like garbage.
Local Echo
Pressing Alt-E will toggle local echo on and off. If lo-
cal echo is on characters you type are printed on the screen.
If local echo is off characters you type are not printed on
the screen, they must be sent back to you by the remote host
to be printed by the screen. Most hosts are set up so that
local echo should be off; they will do the echoing. This is
called a full duplex host. Often however when talking to
Telix v2.12 Program Features 22
another user, or when talking to a half duplex host, local
echo must be turned on to see the characters you type.
Add Line Feeds
When a line of characters is received from a remote
system, it is usually terminated by a Carriage Return followed
by a Line Feed character. If the Line feed character is
missing lines will overwrite each other. If this seems to be
happening when you are connected to a remote host then you
must make Telix add Line Feeds to each incoming Carriage Re-
turn. Pressing Shift-Tab will toggle the adding of Line-Feed
characters. If this option is on, every time a Carriage Return
is received, a Line Feed is added immediately after it.
Break Signal
Some hosts require the use of a special modem signal
called a Break signal, to do certain tasks like end trans-
missions. To make Telix send a Break signal to the remote host
press Ctrl-End.
Telix v2.12 The Dialing Directory 23
The Dialing Directory
Telix allows you to keep telephone numbers in files
called dialing directories. 150 numbers can fit in each di-
aling directory. Besides the number, the remote location's
name is stored, along with the communications setup or pa-
rameters needed to talk to it. As well, a script file can be
linked to a dialing entry so that if you successfully connect
to that number the script file can automatically log-on for
you and perhaps even retrieve mail. The default dialing
directory is called TELIX.FON, but you can have as many di-
rectories as you want and call them whatever you like.
To access the dialing directory press Alt-D while in
terminal mode. A small window will appear, asking you to enter
the entries to dial or to press Return to see the dialing di-
rectory. For the moment just press Return. This first window
is just a very quick way to dial your most commonly called
numbers. Once you have pressed Return the dialing directory
will appear. Most of the screen is taken up by a window show-
ing 15 of the 150 entries in the dialing directory. On the
bottom of the screen is a menu of options, here shown on two
lines so that it will fit:
Dial Search Manual Redial Edit Clear
Insert deleTe LD-Codes dirOpts eXit
This menu works in a similar manner to the other menus found
in Telix, as described in the section 'Using Telix Menus'. In
addition, since dialing is such a common function, if any nu-
meric key is pressed, it is assumed that the dial function is
wanted and this number is carried over as the first digit en-
tered for that function. At the same time you may view the di-
aling directory. To scroll through the directory use PgUp to
go back 15 entries at a time, PgDn to go forward 15 entries,
Home to go to the beginning of the directory, and End to go to
the end of the directory. It should be emphasized that
whenever the words 'Move through the directory with the Home,
End, PgUp, and PgDn keys' are visible you may scroll through
the directory.
Editing an Entry
To edit a directory entry select 'Edit' from the dialing
directory menu. You will be asked for the entry to edit. Once
you select it a window will appear with the old version of the
entry. You will be asked for a new name. It can be a maximum
length of 29 characters. You will then be asked for the new
phone number. Just enter the number itself, it will be
automatically shifted to the right. Telix will then ask you
Telix v2.12 The Dialing Directory 24
for the new communications parameters, including baud, parity,
data bits, and stop bits. Finally you will be asked what
script file you want to link to this entry. If you do not want
to link any, press Return. Pressing Esc while in any part of
this process will get you out without any changes being made.
Clearing Entries
To clear an entry or a range of entries select 'Clear'
from the dialing directory menu. You will be asked the range
of entries that you want to clear. You will also be asked to
confirm your choice. If you agree to it, the selected entries
will be cleared back to empty entries.
Inserting Entries
To insert blank entries in the dialing directory, select
'Insert' from the dialing directory menu. Telix will ask you
where the blank entries are to be inserted and how many
entries are to be inserted. Finally Telix will ask you to
confirm this choice.
Deleting Entries
To delete an entry or a range of entries in the dialing
directory select the 'deleTe' option. Telix will ask you for
the range to delete and then ask you to confirm this. The
entries will then be deleted and the following entries will
move up to where the deleted entries were.
Revising Long Distance Codes
To revise the Long Distance codes, select the option
called 'LD-Codes' from the dialing directory menu. There are
four Long Distance code characters: ! @ - +. When you place
one of them in front of a number to dial, it will be expanded
to a string. For example you could have the plus sign '+', be
expanded to the digits '99-', or any string you specify. After
selecting this option you will be shown a menu of the
available long distance codes. Selecting a character to modify
will place the cursor on it and let you modify it. After you
have made your changes, you must save them to disk if you want
to use them every time you run Telix. To save them to disk se-
lect the 'Save changes' option.
Finding an Entry
To search for a particular entry in the dialing directory
select 'Find' from the dialing directory menu. You will be
asked to give the string to search for. If Telix finds the en-
try with that string in it, that entry will be highlighted. If
while searching for the string Telix reaches the end of the
directory, it will wrap around to the beginning and continue
the search. If the string still can not be found Telix will
say 'Sorry, string not found'. If you want to search for the
Telix v2.12 The Dialing Directory 25
same string as last time, just press Return when asked for the
search string.
Telix allows you to dial from one to ten numbers re-
peatedly until a connection is reached or you abort the at-
tempt. To start a dial attempt select 'Dial' from the dialing
directory menu. To make dialing very convenient, you may also
select the 'Dial' function by pressing a numeric key while in
the menu. This number will then be carried over and entered as
the first digit in the string you are asked to enter. You will
then be asked to enter up to ten directory entries to dial.
While you are entering this information you can also scroll
through the directory as described above. If you specify more
than one entry to dial, each should be separated by a space.
You may also place up to 3 Long Distances codes in front and
one Long Distance code after each entry number. For example,
specifying the entry '+21!' would send the string for the '+'
Long Distance code, followed by the number from entry 21, fol-
lowed by the string for Long Distance code '!'. The string
'10 +15 20!'
entered at the prompt would dial entry 10, then entry 15 with
a Long Distance code in front of it, and finally entry number
20, with a Long Distance code after it. These numbers are re-
dialed repeatedly until a connection is reached. To learn
about the redial window see the Redial function below.
Sometimes you may want to dial a number that is not in
the dialing directory. To do this select the 'Manual' option
of the dialing directory menu, which stands for 'manual dial'.
You will be asked to enter a number to be sent to the modem.
Whatever you supply will be sent out exactly as is, except for
Long Distance codes, which are still valid.
Directory Options
Telix allows you to have multiple dialing directories.
The 'dirOpts' item of the dialing directory menu allows you to
manipulate these directories.
To create a blank directory (which can later be modi-
fied), from the 'DirOpts' menu select the option called
'Create a blank directory on disk'. Telix will ask you for the
the name it should use. Any legal DOS filename is suitable,
and there is no default extension. Telix will then create the
blank directory on disk. The current directory will not be
affected and will stay in memory.
To load another directory select the 'Load another
directory from disk' option of the 'dirOpts' menu. Telix will
ask you for the name of the new directory and then load it
into memory. Telix does not assume any default extension, so
if the directory you want to load has one, include it. e.g.,
TELIX.FON. This new directory will become the default
Telix v2.12 The Dialing Directory 26
directory for the rest of the session or until you load
another one.
Selecting 'Print current directory' from the 'DirOpts'
menu allows you to print out the current dialing directory, to
the printer, the serial port, or any device or disk file.
Telix will ask you for the device or file to print to. Enter
the name or press Return to use the 'PRN' device (printer).
Since these are DOS devices, Telix has no way of knowing, for
example, things such as whether or not your printer is online.
So if Telix seems to lock-up here, make sure your printer is
on and it is set to online.
Automatic Redial
When Telix has one or more numbers to dial, it redials
repeatedly until a connection is made. To keep you informed of
the status of the redial Telix displays a status window, and
alerts you when a connection is established. The status window
is similar to the figure below.
+-| Redial |-----------------------------------------------+
| |
| Redial started at 20:15:33 Press: T to change dial time |
| Attempt #10 20:19:27 D to delete from list |
| |
| This attempt: Dialing My Favorite BBS ... 22 |
| Last Attempt: Busy |
| |
| Press Space to cycle to next number, Esc to exit. |
Information included in the status window is the time redial
was started, the time the current attempt was started, the
status of the last attempt, the status of the current attempt,
and a countdown timer for the current attempt.
Pressing Alt-R while in the terminal mode or selecting
'Redial last' from the dialing directory menu will allow you
to redial one or more numbers that you entered previously, so
that you do not have to re-enter them. You will be shown the
list and asked to edit it until you are satisfied, and then to
press Return.
When a connection is established while redialing, the
number reached is taken out of the list of numbers to dial. If
later you type Alt-R to redial the previous list, that number
will no longer be dialed. As well, while redialing, you have
the option of changing the time that Telix waits for a connec-
tion, and also the option of deleting a number from the list
to dial, by pressing 'T' and 'D' respectively.
The Quick Dial Window
Telix v2.12 The Dialing Directory 27
You may have noticed that after you press Alt-D a window
pops up asking you to enter the numbers to dial or to press
Return to see the Dialing Directory. Up to now, you have just
pressed Return to go on to the Dialing Directory, but this
pop-up window is a quick way to dial commonly called directory
entries that you have memorized. You may enter a list of en-
tries to dial just as if you had used the 'Dial' command of
the dialing directory menu. This saves the dialing directory
from having to be displayed on the screen if you already know
the entry or entries you want to dial. The Quick Dial window
can also be used to dial a number manually. To do this just
preface the number with an 'm'. For example, 'm967-1111' would
dial 967-1111, just as if you had used the 'Manual' dial op-
tion of the Dialing Directory. Either lowercase or uppercase
'm' is accepted.
Telix v2.12 File Transfers 28
File Transfers
Sending files from one computer to another is one of the
most useful things you can do with your modem. Telix supports
a full assortment of the most popular file transfer protocols,
including Xmodem, Kermit, SEAlink, Telink, Modem7, ASCII, Ymo-
dem, and Ymodem Batch. Telix's file transfers are very fast,
surpassing most programs' by a respectable margin. Telix also
has very low overhead time, so as the speed of a file transfer
increases, Telix's time compared to other programs is even
better. All file transfers use a 10 Kbyte buffer, and full
error detection is standard.
Downloading Files
To start downloading (receiving) a file from a remote
host, you must usually inform the remote host of the files
that you want it to send to you. You must then start the down-
load on the Telix side. Pressing the PgDn key will display a
menu asking which file transfer protocol you would like to
+-| Download file |-+
| |
| Which Protocol? |
| |
| Kermit |
| Modem7 |
| SEAlink |
| Telink |
| Xmodem |
| Relaxed Xmodem |
| Ymodem |
| Batch Ymodem |
| Exit |
| |
If you have selected Xmodem, ASCII, or Ymodem as the protocol,
Telix will ask you for the filename to save the file to. Telix
always watches what you type while online, and will often know
the name of the file you want to transfer, in which case this
name will be displayed and all you have to do to accept it is
press Return. Any legal DOS filename is valid, including a
path. If the filename you supply already exists, Telix will
ask you to confirm your choice or give another filename. If
you select SEAlink, Kermit, Telink, Modem7, or Ymodem Batch,
the remote host will supply the name to save the file to. If
Telix v2.12 File Transfers 29
you have supplied a download directory name in the Configura-
tion Menu, Telix will automatically save download files there
if you don't specify another path. Telix has automatic incom-
ing file protection. If the name is supplied by the host and
exists already the file is renamed with a '$' character in the
first column. If this file exists as well a '$' is tried in
the second column, and so on. If no unused name can be found
Telix will abort the transfer.
During the transfer, a full status window is displayed
showing the elapsed time as well as the number of bytes re-
ceived. For ASCII transfers, a status window is not displayed,
only a single status line at the top of the screen. To abort a
file transfer at any time press the Escape key.
Uploading Files
To start uploading (sending) a file to a remote host you
must also usually inform the host of the file you will be
sending it. To start the upload on the Telix end press the
PgUp key. This will display a menu asking you which file
transfer protocol you want to use to send the file. After you
have selected the protocol, you will be asked for the file(s)
to send. You may use the wildcard characters ? and * (see your
DOS manual, for more information about wildcard characters).
During the file transfer, a full status window is displayed,
unless you are using ASCII protocol, in which case only a sta-
tus line is displayed. Information shown is the expected time
the transfer will take, the time remaining, the number of
bytes to send, and the number of bytes left. To abort a trans-
fer at any time press the Escape key.
File Transfer Protocols
Xmodem - This is by far the most popular protocol in
use today, but it is slowly being replaced by more sophis-
ticated protocols. Xmodem sends files in blocks of 128
characters at a time. When the receiving computer is satisfied
that the block has arrived intact, it signals so and waits for
the next block. Error checking is a checksum or a more
sophisticated Cyclic Redundancy Check. Telix supports both and
will automatically use the right one. During a download, Telix
will attempt to use the CRC, but will switch to checksum if it
seems the host does not support CRC. The Xmodem protocol also
needs a setup of no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. If
your communications parameters are different from these when
you start an Xmodem transfer, Telix will switch to the re-
quired setup for the transfer, and back to the original setup
after it is finished.
SEAlink - SEAlink is a quite advanced version of Xmodem
developed by System Enhancement Associates. It is a sliding
window protocol, which basically means that unless an error
happens, data is constantly being sent, with no pauses.
Because of this, SEAlink is very fast, 15 to 25 percent faster
than regular Xmodem. As well, it works much better on packet
Telix v2.12 File Transfers 30
switched networks and satellite link-ups. SEAlink passes a
file's name, size, and date when transferring it, and can be
used to send more than one file at a time.
ASCII - in an ASCII transfer, it is as if the sender is
actually typing the characters and the receiver is just
recording them. There is no form of error detection used.
Usually only ASCII files can be sent in this way, as binary
files contain characters which would foul-up the screen.
Ymodem - The Ymodem protocol is exactly the same as the
Xmodem protocol except that block sizes of 1024 characters as
opposed to 128 characters are supported.
Ymodem Batch - This protocol is the same as Ymodem,
except that it sends an extra block ahead of the file with the
file's name, size, and date. This protocol allows more than
one file to be sent at a time.
Telink - This protocol is mainly found on Fido bbs
systems. It is basically the Xmodem protocol using CRC
checking with an extra block sent ahead of the file telling
its name, size, and date. This protocol allows more than one
file to be sent at a time.
Modem7 - Modem7 is a close cousin to Xmodem that passes
the filename before starting the transfer, thus taking away
some of the user's work. It is common on CP/M systems. This
protocol allows more than one file to be sent at a time.
Relaxed Xmodem - Certain hosts cannot maintain the strict
timing required to transfer a file using the Xmodem protocol.
Relaxed Xmodem is exactly the same as Xmodem except that all
the timing is multiplied by a factor of ten. Where Xmodem
might wait 2 seconds for a character, Relaxed Xmodem will wait
20 seconds.
Kermit - The Kermit protocol is in a class of its own.
It uses packets of up to 94 characters to send the file. It
was developed to make it easier for computers of different
types to send files to each other. Almost any computer using
Kermit can be set up to send files to another computer using
Kermit. The Kermit protocol implemented in Telix can be tai-
lored to the user's needs in the Configuration Menu, option
'Kermit transfers'.
Telix v2.12 Using Script Files 31
Using Script Files
Script files are ASCII files containing sequences of
commands for Telix to follow. They can do many useful things
like automatically logging on to a host, setting up special
parameters, performing unnatended file transfers, and many
other tasks. They can be linked to a dialing entry so that
they are run automatically upon a connection.
To execute a script file press Alt-S. You will be
prompted for the name of the file. Any legal DOS name is al-
lowed, including a path. If no extension is given, 'scr' is
assumed. If a special directory where script files are to be
found has been defined, Telix will look there for script
files, unless a path is given. To define this script directory
use the Telix Configuration Menu. To see how to write your own
script files, refer to the appendix describing their struc-
A Telix script does not lock you in to a course of ac-
tion. If a Telix script file is waiting for the string
'Password?', for example, you may override the script. You may
type characters to the remote system, press Home to see the
Help/Status screen, initiate a file transfer, or initiate any
other command that is available while in Terminal Mode. In
short you have the complete power of Telix at your disposal
while a script is executing, instead of having to wait while
the script file does what it wants, and possibly goes astray.
To abort a script file while it is executing, press the
Esc key. You will often have to press this key twice, once to
abort the current function, and a second time to abort the
script. You will be asked to confirm this action.
Telix v2.12 Host Mode 32
Host Mode
Telix allows you to set up your computer as a remote
host, so that others may call your system and perform op-
erations like transferring files and chatting. In short it is
like having a small bbs on your system, without all the setup
work (however if your security needs are complicated you might
consider using a real bbs program). There are a few require-
ments to running Host Mode. Your modem must be able to pick up
the phone when it rings. The CD (Carrier Detect) Mask must be
properly defined in the Configuration Menu, so that Telix can
tell when it is connected to a caller. Telix must also be able
to hang up the modem by dropping (turning off) the DTR line on
the RS-232 port. If one of these these requirements is not met
you probably can not run Telix Host Mode on your system.
To run the Host Mode, you must also define eight settings
in the 'Host Mode' section of the Configuration Menu. The
first is the Host Mode init string. This string is sent to the
modem when Telix enters Host Mode, and should make the modem
able to pick up the phone when it rings. The default string is
set up for Hayes compatible modems. It is:
'~~~+++~~~AT X1 S0=1|' where
~~~ pauses Telix for 1 1/2 secs.
+++ tells the modem to accept commands.
~~~ pauses Telix for 1 1/2 secs.
AT is the modem attention code.
X1 tells the modem to reply with extended re-
sult codes. This means the modem indicates
the caller's baud rate.
S0=1 tells the modem to answer after one ring.
| sends the terminating Return char.
Another string to define is the Host welcome string. This
is sent to callers immediately when they call. You must also
define the passwords callers must enter to log onto the sys-
tem, the password callers should enter to use the remote DOS
Shell, and the password callers must enter if they want to
shut down the Host Mode. The Connection type parameter tells
Telix whether your host mode will be accessed through the use
of a modem, or by hard-wiring two computers together. This
stops Telix from trying to initialize a non-existent modem, or
trying to determine the caller's baud. Finally, you should in-
dicate whether or not case should be checked when entering
Telix v2.12 Host Mode 33
Pressing Alt-Q makes Telix enter Host Mode. Telix will
make a note in the Host Mode audit file TELIX.HST and then
will immediately send the Host Mode init string to the modem.
Telix then waits for a caller. While in Host Mode, on the
local side, the user can always press Esc to exit Host Mode,
or End to terminate the current caller. He can also enter
commands for the remote caller, so that a novice caller can be
helped along by the host operator. Also, at any time, the
current caller will be automatically terminated if there is
inactivity for five minutes, or the connection is lost. This
is all noted in the host audit file. If the caller has only
access level one references to other disk directories are
ignored, and all operations take place in the current direc-
tory. As well, Telix protects your files from being acciden-
tally overwritten by the caller
When the Carrier Detect signal turns on Telix knows a
caller is online. At this point Telix will try to determine
the caller's baud rate. Most Hayes compatible modems can be
initialized to send the string 'CONNECT baud' where baud is
the baud rate of the caller, when they sense a connection. If
Telix sees this string it will switch to the appropriate baud.
If this string is not received within 2.5 seconds, Telix will
try to use another method to determine the caller's baud. This
method requires the caller to press Carriage Return or the
Space Bar a few times (for 2400 baud callers, only the Space
bar will work). This method will only work for baud rates of
300, 1200 or 2400. If this method still doesn't work within 10
seconds, Telix will leave the baud rate at whatever it was.
Also, it should be mentioned that Telix can not determine the
caller's other settings like parity, data bits, and stop bits.
These must already be matching Telix's settings.
At this point Telix will send the Host welcome string to
the caller, and then ask him for his/her name. The name is
only used when indicating the caller in the Host Mode audit
file. If a password has been defined Telix will ask the caller
for it. The caller has three tries to complete the password.
All password attempts, successful or failed, are written to
the Host audit file. If the caller enters the Level One access
password, he may manipulate only the current disk directory.
Any other directories can not be accessed. If he enters the
Level Two access password, the caller may use full pathnames
in all file specifications.
If there is a welcome file called TELIX.MSG on the disk,
it is then shown to the caller. After each 23 lines the caller
is prompted to press any key to continue. As well, the caller
may press Ctrl-S to pause at any time, and Ctrl-C or Ctrl-K to
abort the listing. After the TELIX.MSG file is displayed the
caller is presented with a menu of options:
Files Type Upload Download Shell Chat Goodbye ?
The action to be taken is selected by entering its first let-
ter. Case does not matter. As mentioned already, the host op-
erator is free to enter any keystrokes for the caller.
Telix v2.12 Host Mode 34
The 'Files' option allows the caller to list the files in
the current disk directory. The caller must press a key after
each screenfull. The output is not echoed on the local screen.
If the caller has access level two s/he is prompted for a
filespec, which may include the * and ? wildcard characters
(see your DOS manual), so that the contents of other
directories may be listed.
The 'Type' option allows the caller to view any ASCII
file in the current directory, or in any directory for access
level two callers. The same format and commands are available
during this command as for the displaying of the optional mes-
sage file TELIX.MSG.
The 'Upload' option allows the caller to send a file to
the host. The caller is shown the menu:
X)modem S)EAlink T)elink B)atch Ymodem K)ermit M)odem7
Which protocol?
and should select the appropriate protocol by its first let-
ter. If appropriate the caller is also asked for the filename.
The transfer is then initiated.
The 'Download' command allows a caller to receive a file
from the host. The caller must select the protocol as de-
scribed above, and then must tell Telix the file(s) to send.
The transfer is then initiated.
The 'Shell' command is a very powerful but also very
dangerous command. It allows the caller to run a DOS shell on
your system, except that the caller receives the output, and
the caller enters the keystrokes. This command is basically
similar to entering 'CTTY COMx' at the DOS prompt. The remote
side has complete control of your system. This is obviously
very dangerous, as the caller can format disks, delete files,
or perform any other operation. To provide security, a
password must be entered to use the remote DOS shell. Be very
careful of whom you give this password to, as they can do
anything they want with your system. As well, don't leave it
at the default that Telix comes with. There are a few
limitations in the remote DOS shell. The caller will see
program output only if the programs use standard DOS output.
Programs that write directly to the video screen will work,
but will not be seen by the remote caller. As well, programs
that use non-DOS methods of getting keystrokes will not re-
ceive the callers keystrokes. There is nothing that can be
done about these limitations.
The 'Chat' command allows the caller to chat with the
host operator. When the caller presses 'C' the host operator
is paged for 30 seconds. Press the Space bar to chat with the
caller, or any other key not to. Accepting the chat will place
you in Chat Mode, exactly as if you had used the Alt-Y
command. The caller's keystrokes are echoed back to him/her
however, so that he/she can see them.
Finally, the 'Goodbye' command allows the caller to log
off the host. An entry noting the time and date is made in the
host audit file, and Telix then waits for a new caller.
Telix v2.12 Host Mode 35
The caller may also use one other command that is not
displayed in the menu. This is to shut down the Host Mode. If
the caller presses Ctrl-Z and successfully enters the shut
down Host password defined in the Configuration Menu, the
Telix Host Mode is shut down and Telix returns to whatever it
was doing before Host Mode was initiated.
Telix v2.12 Appendix A 36
Appendix A - Telix Command Summary
Major Commands
Alt-B Scroll Back
Alt-D Dialing directory
Alt-F DOS and File functions
Alt-J Jump to DOS shell
Alt-M Keyboard Macros
Alt-O Show Configuration Menu
Alt-P Comm Parameters
Alt-Q Host Mode
Alt-R Redial last #
Alt-S Script files
Alt-X Exit Telix
Alt-Y Chat Mode
PgUp Upload (send) files
PgDn Download (receive) files
Secondary Functions
Alt-A Run editor
Alt-C Clear screen
Alt-E Local echo On/Off
Alt-G ANSI Graphics On/Off
Alt-H Hang-up modem
Alt-I Screen Image
Alt-L Session Log
Alt-V DOS command
Ctrl-@ Log hold On/Off
Ctrl-End Send break signal
Ctrl-PrtSc Printer log on/off
Shift-Tab Add line-feeds on/off
All of these commands should be entered while in terminal
mode. Many will prompt you for further courses of action.
Telix v2.12 Appendix B 37
Appendix B - TELIX.CNF, the Configuration File
The file TELIX.CNF consists of a series of default pa-
rameters which are used to customize Telix to your own needs.
This file is automatically read in by Telix upon start-up. Us-
ing the Telix Configuration Menu allows you to change the de-
fault parameters and then write out the TELIX.CNF file, using
the new parameters.
The TELIX.CNF file is a regular ASCII file. One parameter
is allowed per line. Lines longer than 80 characters will be
cut off at that point. Lines should end in line-feeds or
CR/LF. Comments should start with '.', ';', or '/'. Be warned
however, that comments will be overwritten the next time you
update the file with the 'Write setup to disk' option of the
Configuration Menu.
Each setting takes the form 'parameter=setting'. The pa-
rameter to be changed is given, followed by an equal sign,
followed by the new setting. Illegal values will be ignored. A
few example are:
busy1="NO CARRIER"
The case of the commands does not matter. The only
arguments which do not have to be enclosed in quote characters
are numeric values and the arguments 'On' and 'Off'. Both the
double (") and single (') quote characters are accepted, but
you must use the same quote character at the end of an argu-
ment as at the beginning. If you want to use a quote character
in a quoted string repeat the quote, e.g., 'can''t'. If you
are unclear about the syntax of any of these settings take a
look at the actual configuration file.
Finally, there is really no reason you should know all of
these parameters, because the configuration program will save
the file. However these parameters are also used with the Set
command in Telix script files.
Legal Parameters - numbers in brackets are valid ranges
Communication parameters:
baud - the speed Telix should use. Valid speeds are: 300,
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200.
parity - the type of parity Telix should use.
= N: none
Telix v2.12 Appendix B 38
= E: even
= O: odd
data - the number of data bits Telix should use
(7 or 8)
stop - the number of stop bits Telix should use
(1 or 2)
port - the communications port Telix should use
(1 or 2)
Screen settings:
swmode - the screen write mode Telix should use.
= 1: Use direct screen writes with no port checks,
= 2: Use direct screen writes with port checks (for
screens that get snow).
= 3: Use BIOS calls (for applications like Top-
helpmode - the help screen mode Telix should use.
= 1: Never use display page 2 for the help screen.
= 2: Use display page 2 for the help screen if Telix
thinks it's okay to do so.
= 3: Always use page 2 for the help screen.
back - screen background colour (0 - 7)
fore - screen foreground colour (0 - 15)
bord - screen border colour (0 -15)
mbord - menu border colour (0 - 15)
mbback - menu border background colour (0 - 7)
mfore - menu foreground colour (0 - 15)
mbold - menu bold item colour (0 - 15)
mback - menu background colour (0 - 7)
mbar - menu bar colour (0 - 7)
msel - menu item selected under bar colour (0 -15)
Modem and dialing settings:
minit - the modem initialization string.
dpref - the string sent before the number when
dpost - the string sent after the number when dialing
Telix v2.12 Appendix B 39
connect - the string sent by the modem when it has
busy1 - string sent by modem if the line is busy (#1)
busy2 - " " " " " " " " " (#2)
busy3 - " " " " " " " " " (#3)
busy4 - " " " " " " " " " (#4)
mhang - the string to send to the modem to hang it up
dcancel - string to send to cancel current attempt while di-
dtime - number of seconds to wait for connection while di-
aling (1 - 999)
ptime - number of seconds to pause between attempts while
dialing (1 - 999)
cdmask - the modem Carrier Detect mask Telix should use to
see if there is a connection. This number should
be a power of 2.
echo - local echo.
= On: local echo on
= Off: local echo off
xonxoff - use of XON/XOFF handshaking
= On: use XON/XOFF
= Off: do not use XON/XOFF
addlf - add line-feeds to incoming carriage returns
= On: add line-feeds
= Off: do not add line-feeds
Output string characters:
pausechar - the character which Telix should interpret to mean
a 1/2 second pause in output strings. The value
should be in readable form. e.g., 'pausechar = ~'.
retchar - the character which Telix should interpret as a
Carriage Return.
ctrlchar - the character which should mean that the next
char. is a control char.
Filenames and paths:
downdir - the directory where downloaded files should be
Telix v2.12 Appendix B 40
updir - the directory where Telix should look when up-
loading files.
scriptdir - directory where Telix should look for Script files
logfile - the default log file filename
dirprog - the directory program Telix should use (e.g.,
'dir'), or none for Telix's own internal dir.
editor - full pathname of editor including extension (com
or exe)
image - the screen image file filename
General settings:
ansi - On or Off. Whether or not Telix should understand
ANSI Graphics.
sound - On or Off. Controls whether or not Telix makes ANY
alarm - On or Off. Controls whether or not alarm sounds
are heard.
keepaborted - aborted download file status.
= On: Telix keeps aborted download files.
= Off: Telix deletes aborted download files.
protocol - the default file transfer protocol upon startup.
This is a 2 letter code.
= "KE": Kermit
= "M7": Modem7
= "SE": SEAlink
= "TE": Telink
= "XM": Xmodem
= "XR": Relaxed Xmodem
= "YM": Ymodem
= "YB": Ymodem Batch
showfree - On or Off. Controls whether or not Telix shows the
free space on the disk when starting a download.
qdwind - On or Off. If Off Telix will not display the Quick
Dial window first when you press Alt-D.
Kermit settings:
knumpad - the number of padding chars to send
kpad - ASCII value of the padding char to use
Telix v2.12 Appendix B 41
kquote - ASCII value of the char to quote Control chars
ksop - ASCII value of the char to use and expect at the
start of packets
keol - ASCII value of the char to send at the end of
kmaxpack - the maximum allowed packet size
kftype - the type of file being transferred
= 1: Binary
= 2: Text
ASCII transfer settings:
apacechr - ASCII value of the pace character
alpacing - the time (in 1/10 seconds) to wait between lines
aecho - if On echo characters locally while sending
aexpand - if On expand blank lines to a space
aucrtrans - ASCII upload Carriage Return translation
= 1: None
= 2: Strip
= 3: Add Line Feed after it
aulftrans - ASCII upload Line Feed translation
= 1: None
= 2: Strip
= 3: Add Carriage Return before it
adcrtrans - ASCII download Carriage Return translation.
= 1: None
= 2: Strip
= 3: Add Line Feed after it
adlftrans - ASCII download Line Feed translation.
= 1: None
= 2: Strip
= 3: Add Carriage Return before it
Host Mode settings:
hostwlcm - the Host welcome string
hostinit - string sent to the modem to initialize it for host
hpass - the password needed to enter the Host Mode with
level one access
Telix v2.12 Appendix B 42
hpass2 - the password needed to enter the Host Mode with
level two access
shellpass - the password to enter the Remote DOS shell
shutpass - the password needed to shut down the Host Mode
hcontype - the type of connection between the two computers
= 1: Modem
= 2: Direct
hcasechk - On or Off. If On then the case of passwords is
checked when they are being entered.
Telix v2.12 Appendix C 43
Appendix C - Writing Script Files
Script files are ASCII text files containing commands for
Telix to follow in succession. Script files can do many useful
things, for example automatically dialing a bbs system,
getting any mail, transferring files, and then logging off the
system, all without any human intervention. There is a script
command equivalent to almost any option available while in the
terminal mode, and there are many others as well.
Script files can be run in one of two ways while using
Telix: they can be linked to a dialing directory entry and au-
tomatically run when you connect to that system, or by using
the Run Script file (ALt-S) command. Also, buy using the 'S'
command line option (see the 'Getting Started' section), a
script file can be run upon program startup.
Script files usually have the ending '.scr', but this is
optional, any legal DOS filename is allowed. When running a
script, the extension 'scr' is assumed unless another ex-
tension is given or just a period is given as the extension,
e.g., 'script.'.
A Telix script does not lock you in to a course of ac-
tion. If a Telix script file is waiting for the string
'Password?', for example, you may override the script. You may
type characters to the remote system, press Home to see the
Help/Status screen, initiate a file transfer, or initiate any
other command that is available while in Terminal Mode. In
short you have the complete power of Telix at your disposal
while a script is executing, instead of having to wait while
the script file does what it wants, and possibly goes astray.
To abort script execution, press the Esc key. You will
often have to press it twice, once to abort the current func-
tion, and the second to abort the script file. You will be
asked to confirm this action.
Telix v2.12 Appendix C 44
Script File Rules:
- A script file is a normal ASCII text file (readable by
any text editor). It can be edited with a word processor
as well, but if your word processor normally makes use of
special or extended ASCII characters, make sure it is in
a "non-document" or "ASCII" mode. Each line should end
with a Carriage Return followed by a Line Feed.
- Only one command per line is allowed, but there may be a
label and a command on one line. The case of a command
does not matter. Therefore 'HangUp', 'HANGUP', and
'hangup' are all treated as being the same command.
- If there is a label in a line it must precede the command
(if there is a command), and must end in a colon (':')
character, e.g., 'mylabel:'. A label is a way of naming a
certain position in a script file so that it can be
jumped to later.
- Lines longer than 80 characters will be truncated at that
- Argument strings must be in quotes unless otherwise indi-
cated. Either quotes ("), or right ticks ('), are al-
lowed. If you use quotes around a string but want to use
quotes in the string, use two quotes instead of one,
e.g., 'can''t'.
- Strings can not extend past the end of the line and can
not be longer than 64 characters.
- Comments start off with a '.', ';', or a '/'. A blank
line is considered a comment. Any text after a comment
character will be ignored.
Script File Memory Use:
- For greater speed and memory considerations a Telix
script file is automatically compiled when you specify
that it should be executed.
- Telix script files can be of any length as long as when
the file is compiled by Telix it is less than 10240 char-
acters in length. Since each command is converted to a
one byte token when compiled, and labels are converted to
addresses, Telix script files can be very large, and exe-
cute quite quickly.
- There is no limit on the size of a label in a script file
(except that it can not be larger than a line). However,
a maximum of 256 labels are allowed in a script file, and
all of the labels must not add up to more than 4096 char-
Telix v2.12 Appendix C 45
Script Commands: (arguments in brackets are optional)
Alarm [seconds]
This will make Telix sound an alarm for the specified number
of seconds. If no time is specified the alarm (three tones) is
sounded just once
This will send a sustained break signal over the modem port,
like the Ctrl-End command.
This command will clear the screen, like the ALT-C command.
Delay nnn
This will make Telix wait for the specified number of tenths
of seconds (1 - 30000). While Telix is waiting the user can of
course use any Telix command.
Dial ["dir. number(s)"]
The indicated dialing directory numbers are dialed. If none
are specified, then the dialing menu is presented, as with the
Alt-D command.
DOS ["command"]
The DOS command is executed. If no command is given Telix will
drop into a DOS shell like the Alt-J command. Also, make sure
if you run a program that expects input that you are on hand
to give it.
This command will make Telix go to the DOS Function menu, like
the Alt-F command.
Download [type ["filename"]]
The specified file will be downloaded using 'type' protocol.
Type can be:
KE - Kermit
M7 - Modem7
SE - SEAlink
TE - Telink
XM - Xmodem
Telix v2.12 Appendix C 46
XR - Xmodem Relaxed
YM - Ymodem
YB - Ymodem Batch
If the filename is missing the user will be prompted for it.
If Both the transfer type and the filename are missing, the
user will be prompted for them. This command is similar to the
PgDn command.
ExitTelix [returncode]
This command will exit the Telix program as if the user had
pressed Alt-X, except that there is no prompting to confirm
the exit. If the optional number 'returncode' is included
Telix will return that number to DOS. This return code can be
read by batch files using the 'errorlevel' batch file command.
This makes it possible for a batch file to run Telix and find
out what happened, when control returns to it. If no
'returncode' is specified Telix assumes 0.
This command flushes (throws away) any characters that may be
waiting in Telix's remote input buffer. This command can be
used to get rid of unwanted line noise.
Goto label
When this command is encountered, execution of the script file
will continue at the given label.
This will hang up the modem, exactly like the Alt-H command.
This will make Telix enter Host Mode, as if the user had
pressed Alt-Q.
IfNQuery label "question"
A pop-up window appears asking "question". If the user presses
'N' execution continues at the given label. If the User
presses 'Y', nothing happens.
IfOffline label
If no carrier signal is detected script file execution will
continue at the given label.
IfOnline label
If a carrier signal is detected script file execution will
continue at the given label.
Telix v2.12 Appendix C 47
IfYQuery label "question"
A pop-up window appears asking "question". If the user presses
'Y' execution continues at the given label. If the User
presses 'N', nothing happens.
KeyMac ["filename"]
This command will load the indicated keyboard macro definition
file. If no filename is give the Keyboard macro command (Alt-
M) will be run.
KeySend keynum
This will send the definition for the given function key (1-
40) to the modem port. Key numbers 1-10 represent the regular
function keys, 11-20 the Shifted function keys, 21-30 the Con-
trol function keys, and 31-40 the Alt function keys.
LoadFon ["directory"]
This command will load the specified dialing directory into
Telix. If the filename has an extension (e.g., 'fon'), it must
be included. If there is no directory name given, the user
will be prompted.
Locate X Y
This command will place the cursor at the given x and y co-
ordinates. The range of values allowed is 1-80 for x, and 1-25
for y.
This command will turn the log hold off, like the Ctrl-@ com-
This command will put the session log on hold, like the Ctrl-@
Message "string"
This will print the string on the user's screen. A Carriage
Return and Line Feed is automatically appended to the string.
NewDir "directory"
This command will change the current disk directory to the
given one. A drive, directory, or both can be specified, e.g.,
NewDir "c:\comm\files".
Telix v2.12 Appendix C 48
This will turn off the session log and update it, just like
pressing Alt-L when the log is on.
OnLog ["filename"]
This will open a session log to the given filename. If no
filename is given the user will be prompted, like the Alt-L
This will turn off the log to the printer, if it currently on.
This will turn on the log to the printer.
Run mode "filename and path"
This command is quite similar to the 'DOS' command, but files
are executed slightly faster. However, no internal DOS
commands (such as 'dir') are allowed. The arguement may be a
full pathname, however it MUST include the extension of the
file (exe or com), e.g., "a:\chkdsk.com a:". The mode option
can be one of 'normal', 'noclr', or 'wait'. If mode is
'normal', the screen is cleared, the program is run, the
screen is restored, and then Telix resumes control. If mode is
'noclr' the screen is never cleared. If mode is 'wait' Telix
will wait for a keypress before resuming control.
ReDial ["dir. number(s)"]
The indicated dialing directory numbers are redialed. If none
are specified, then the last number(s) specified are shown to
the user to edit, like the Alt-R command.
This command will present the user with the Telix Configura-
tion Menu, as if he had pressed Alt-O.
This command will call up the Scroll-Back function, like the
Alt-B command.
Send "string"
The given string is sent over the modem port. All output
string characters are supported.
Telix v2.12 Appendix C 49
Set param=setting
This a very powerful command. It is used to change any of the
configuration settings. Using this command you can change the
settings of all the Telix parameters, EXACTLY like the cnf
file, and using the same format. For example, to change the
baud to 1200, you would use:
set baud=1200
Any of the parameters that can be put in the TELIX.CNF
(configuration) file can be changed with the set command. To
learn about the configuration file see Appendix B. A few other
examples are:
set protocol="SE" . default protocol is SEAlink
set ansi=On . turn on ANSI graphics
alarm=Off . turn off Telix alarms
This command will make the execution of this script file stop,
as if the end of it had been reached.
Timeout [time [label]
There are a few script commands that wait for a string or
character from the remote or (other) end of the connection.
Usually, these commands will wait indefinitely, but using the
Timeout command you can make Telix do something else if the
string or character doesn't appear in time. The time argument
says how long these commands should wait for (1 - 30000 sec-
onds), and the label says where to jump to if this time has
elapsed. When the script first starts executing, timeout is
off, it will be turned on if both a time and a label are
given. After that if only the time is given in a subsequent
Timeout command, Telix will still go to the old label if the
time is up. Using the timeout command with no arguments will
turn off the timeout function, and commands will wait forever
again for remote input.
Upload [type ["filename"]]
The specified file will be uploaded using 'type' protocol.
Type can be:
KE - Kermit
M7 - Modem7
SE - SEAlink
TE - Telink
XM - Xmodem
XR - Xmodem Relaxed
YM - Ymodem
YB - Ymodem Batch
Telix v2.12 Appendix C 50
If the filename is missing the user will be prompted for it.
If both the transfer type and the filename are missing, the
user will be prompted for them. This command is like the PgUp
This command will pause Telix until any character is received
from the remote connection. If timeout is on and time runs out
Telix will jump to the label given in the timeout command.
WaitFor "string"
This command will wait until the given string is received from
the remote connection. If timeout is on and time runs out
Telix will jump to the label given in the Timeout command. The
case of the string DOS NOT matter. While Telix is waiting the
user can of course use any Telix command.
WaitTill "hh:mm:ss"
This command will make Telix wait until the specified time be-
fore proceeding. The time must be entered using the 24 hour
system. While Telix is waiting, the user can of course use any
Telix commands.
Telix v2.12 Appendix D 51
Appendix D - Common Problems and Their Solutions
When trying to use a multitasking system like Topview,
Desqview, or DoubleDOS, with Telix in the background, window
displays bleed through to the active partition.
In the Telix Configuration Menu, select the 'Screen and colour
settings' option, then select as the Screen Write Mode, 'BIOS
calls used for writes'. Screen updating will be slower but
will not bleed through.
When redialing Telix does not seem to know when a connection
has been reached.
Telix knows when a connection has been reached in one of two
ways: when it receives a Connect string from your modem, or
when the Carrier Detect signal turns on (if it was off). Make
sure that the Connect string is properly defined in the Con-
figuration Menu, or that your modem does turn on the Carrier
Detect signal regardless of whether or not there is a connec-
Telix doesn't work with a certain modem.
Telix is set by default to use the Hayes 'AT' modem command
standard. There are modems that are not Hayes compatible how-
ever, and use other commands to dial, hang up, and perform
other tasks. Make sure that if your modem is not Hayes compat-
ible Telix has been properly configured to its commands.
Sometimes when trying to run a script file Telix says that a
script is already active, or when dialing and a connection is
reached, Telix does not run the script linked to the dialing
Telix v2.12 Appendix D 52
Telix only allows one script file to be executing at once. It
is possible that a script file which was used previously is
still executing for some reason, for example because it is
still waiting for a string. Then, when you try to run a script
file or dial a number with a script linked to it, Telix will
not run that script. The solution is to turn off the current
script by pressing Esc and answering 'Y' to the question.
When trying to use the DOS Shell, or another function that
uses DOS, Telix warns that it can not find a file called COM-
MAND.COM, and aborts the function.
The file COMMAND.COM is the DOS command interpreter. Telix
must be able to find it to use many DOS functions. The loca-
tion of COMMAND.COM is stored in an environment variable
(explained in your DOS manual) called COMSPEC. COMSPEC is set
at boot-up, but if you boot of a floppy and then change to an-
other floppy or a hard disk, it will not point to the right
place anymore. In short, make sure that COMSPEC always points
to the location of COMMAND.COM, or that COMMAND.COM is in the
current directory.
When trying to use Long Distance codes in a number, Telix
seems to just send them out to the modem along with the num-
Long Distance codes must not be included with the number in
the dialing directory entry, but must be specified when making
the call, by placing them in front or behind the entry number
to dial. For example, entering '!10' at the 'Dial' prompt
would dial entry number 10, preceded by the Long distance code
When calling some systems, especially large ones such as Com-
puserve or the Source, all incoming characters look like
The communications parameters are probably wrong. Most of
these systems need a setting of Even parity, 7 data bits, and
1 stop bit. This is different from the normal standard of N81
used for most bulletin boards.
Telix v2.12 Appendix D 53
When Host Mode is run Telix always thinks that a caller is on-
line and immediately asks for the caller's name.
Your modem should properly set the state of the Carrier Detect
signal. When a caller is online, it should be high (true),
otherwise it should be low (false). As well, make sure that
the CD Mask value you have defined in the 'Modem and dialing'
page of the Configuration Menu is set properly. The default
value of 128 works for almost all (99.9%) computers, but you
might try the other two values if you have problems.
Telix v2.12 Appendix E 54
Appendix E - TELIX.FON File Format
The phone directory file TELIX.FON is a regular ASCII text
file that can be 'type'd from the DOS prompt or edited by many
editors. It is made up of 150 lines each ending in CR/LF. If
the file is to be used by Telix this format must be followed
exactly. Each line is 68 characters long including the CR/LF,
for a total length of 10200 bytes. All the parameters are in
string form, and can be seen if the file is typed. Following
is an example entry and the offsets of the various fields. As
can be seen, there are spaces between some, but not all
Sample entry:
"My Favourite BBS 1-416-967-1111 1200N81 |
The | means the line has been broken there so it would fit in
this documentation file. '\r' means Carriage Return, '\n'
means line-feed.
Field Offset Length
name 0 29
number 30 14
baud 45 5
parity 50 1
data bits 51 1
stop bits 52 1
script 54 12
The phone number may be anywhere in its field. Telix will
print it as far right as possible. The baud should be placed
as far right as possible in its field.
Telix v2.12 Appendix F 55
Appendix F - Product Support
Telix is a relatively large and complicated program. In
order to support Telix and to provide a means of distribution,
a Telix support area has been set up on several BBSes. If you
have any questions or comments about Telix, call one of these
BBSes and leave a note in the Telix message area provided. If
you're calling about a problem, try to be as specific as
possible when describing the problem. Include any relevant de-
tails, such as your machine's configuration, Telix version
number, resident software installed, steps taken before the
problem happens, and any other things you feel are important.
Also, We will try to answer all questions, but registered
users will get priority treatment and we don't guarantee to
provide support of any kind to non-registered users.
The latest version of Telix can always be found in the
Telix file area on these BBSes. You may send Fido or OPus mail
to the ASCII Exchange. The BBSes are:
The ASCII Exchange - (416)-622-8254 - Opus 148/1.
Sysop Rob Benner. SEAdog requests accepted.
The PC Pub BBS - (416)-487-2889 and (416)-487-4134.
Sysop Andrew Jones.
There is also a Telix file section on the WestPenn bbs in
Pittsburgh, phone number (412)-367-2505, where the latest
version of Telix can always be found. This system is run by
Steven A. Mills. Note however that there is no Telix message
area on this bbs. Finally, Telix is also available on many
other systems across the United States and Canada, but each
new version does take time to spread.
Telix v2.12 Index 56
Index Checksum 29
Clear 24
+++ 11, 32 Clear Screen 21
^ 7 Comm Parameters 6
Aborted downloads 13 Command line switches 4
Add line feeds 12, 22 COMMAND.COM 19
Alarm sound 13 COMSPEC 19
Alt-A 19 Config.sys 2
Alt-B 21 Configuring Telix 9
Alt-C 21 CONNECT 11
Alt-D 5, 23 Connect status 5, 12
Alt-E 21 Connect string 11
Alt-F 19 Connection 12
Alt-G 21 Connection type 16
Alt-H 17 Control code character 14
Alt-I 13, 20 Corporate Use of Telix viii
Alt-J 18 CR translation 15
Alt-L 17 CR translation char 7, 14
Alt-M 18 CR/LF 22
Alt-Q 33 CRC 29
Alt-R 26 Creating a directory 25
Alt-S 31 Ctrl translation char 7, 14
Alt-V 19 Ctrl-@ 17
Alt-X 8 Ctrl-C 33
Alt-Y 17, 34 Ctrl-End 22
ANSI graphics 13, 21 Ctrl-K 33
ANSI.SYS 21 Ctrl-PrtSc 17
ASCII 4, 29 Ctrl-S 33
ASCII Transfer Setup 14 CTTY COMx 34
ASCII transfers 30 Data bits 6, 10, 24
AT 10, 11, 32 Data Terminal Ready 11
ATDT 11 Default Com port 10
Audit file 2, 33 Default d/l path 12
Auto answer 11 Default log file 13
Auto baud detect 33 Default Script dir. 13
Automatic log-on 23, 31 Default transfer protocol
Automatic Redial 26 13
Backspace 17 Default u/l directory 12
Batch Ymodem 30 Delete file 20
Baud rate 6, 10, 24, 32, 33 Deleting entries 24
BIOS 4 Desqview 10
BIOS calls 10 Dial cancel string 12
Blank lines 14 Dial time 12
Break Signal 22 Dialing directory 23
BUSY 11 Clearing 24
Busy strings 11 Deleting 24
Carriage Return character Dialing 25
14 Directory Options 25
Carrier Detect 32 Editing 23
Carrier Detect mask 12 Finding an Entry 24
Case checking 16 Inserting 24
CD 32 LD Codes 24
CD Mask 12 Dialing postfix 11
Chat Mode 17, 34 Dialing prefix 11
Chdir 20 Direct screen write 9
Telix v2.12 Index 57
Directory program 13, 20 LF 12, 22
DOS and File Functions 19 LF translation 15
DOS Command 19 Line feed 12
DOS Shell 1, 18, 34 Line Pacing 15
DOS shell password 15 Linked scripts 24, 31
DoubleDOS 10 Loading a directory 25
Download directory 12 Local echo 12, 14, 21
Downloading Files 28 Log 17
Drive/directory 20 Log Hold 17
DTR 2, 8, 11, 17, 32 Long distance Codes 24
Duplex 21 Machine Requirements 1
Echo 14 Modem init string 10
Echo locally 12, 21 Modem Setup 10
Edit 23 Modem7 protocol 30
Editor 19 MS Windows 10
Editor name 13 Multiple directories 25
Elapsed time 5 NO CARRIER 11
Ending a Telix Session 8 No connect strings 11
Entering and Editing Strings Non-registered users 55
7 Online 4
Environment variable 3, 19 Output String Translation 7
Esc translation 8 Pace character 14
Exiting Telix 8 Pacing 14, 15
Expand blank lines 14 Parity 10
File logging 13, 17 Partial files 13
File transfer buffer 28 Pause character 14
File Transfer Protocols 29 Pause translation char 7,
File Transfers 28 14
Files directory 20 PgDn 5, 21, 23, 28
Files= 2 PgUp 21, 23, 29
Find 24 Printer log 17
Flow control 12 Printing a directory 26
Free space 14 PRN 26
Handshaking 12 Quantity Purchases viii
Hang-up string 11, 17 Quick Dial window 14
Hanging-up 17 Quick Dialing 26
Hardware 1 Quiet 4
Help screen mode 10 RAM requirements 1
Help/Status Screen 5 Receive Files 28
Home 21 Redial 26
Home key 5 Redial pause 12
Host init string 15 Redial time 12
Host Mode 32 Relaxed Xmodem 30
Host shell password 15 Remote DOS shell 34
Host welcome string 15 Screen dump 20
Insert 24 Screen dump file 13
Inserting entries 24 Screen Image 20, 21
Keep aborted 13 Screen Image file 13, 21
Kermit protocol 30 Script directory 13
Kermit Transfers 14 Script files 31, 43
Key files 18 Memory Use 44
Keyboard macros 18 Rules 44
LD-Codes 24 Scroll-Back 21
Level One access 15, 33 SEAlink protocol 29
Level two access 15, 33 Send Files 29
Telix v2.12 Index 58
Session log 13
Session Logging 17
Shift-Tab 22
Show free space 14
Shut down Host 15
Site licenses viii
Snow 10
Sound 13
Split screen 17
Stop bits 10
String translation 7
Strings, editing 7
Telink protocol 30
Telix Configuration Menu 9
Telix files 2
TELIX.MSG 13, 33
Topview 10
Transfer buffer 28
Translate CR char 7
Translate Ctrl char 7
Translate pause char 7
Translating Esc 8
Upload directory 12
Uploading Files 29
Use of Quick Dial window 14
Using Telix Menus 6
Xmodem protocol 29
Xmodem Relaxed 30
Ymodem Batch protocol 30
Ymodem protocol 30
| 7
~ 7
~~~ 11, 32